Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
LONELINESS CRISIS: ”Why Does Isolation Kill More Men Than Cancer?”
Men are lonely!
The Surgeon General of the United States announced that the number one killer of men is not heart disease, it's not cancer, it's isolation and loneliness.
We have an epidemic of loneliness going on and we need a cure… let’s dive into what I believe can help men cultivate healthy and sustainable relationships.
Get My Tome Course, "That Dad Life. The Guide to Biblical Fatherhood" today! https://tomeapp.com/courses/that-dad-life...
You can’t become what you can’t define. Many dads are failing at the “dad game'' because they don’t even know they're in the game. When you are finished with this course, you’ll know what a good, godly dad is and, more importantly, how to be one.